We truly are living in unprecedented times. We know now more than ever it is crucial we come together as a planet, a global family. Beyond color, class, borders, ethnicity, age, gender for the good of future generations and the children of the world, the animals & plants of the Earth, for the clean air and living waters of this blue green globe that holds us all.
We are reminded in midst of the “shelter in place” the things that are truly the most important: family, community, health, a future we can love and believe in. And so we shelter in. We breathe deep the fresh air as the planet gets a break from out planes and cars and “progress”. Let us have the strength to come out of this crisis stronger, more in love with life and better motivated and equipped to face the climate challenges ahead.
Thank you Health Care Workers and Everyone on the Front Lines! Thank You Indigenous Communities protecting the forests and sacred places of the world! Our hearts go out to all effected by the economic and health burdens of covid-19